Saturday, November 5, 2016


For and Against School Uniforms

One can say that  school uniforms limit students freedom of expression because everyone wear the same clothing, however it does not limit their form of freedom or expression because they are many ways for them to make themselves stand out of the crowd. According to " "
It stops them from showing their unique side and expressing themselves in ways uniforms can't . Being able to  express yourself and dress the way you like is everything to children in all age divisions . Fashion is the with the idea of freedom of Self-expression and the unique quality of children"( School uniforms does not remove any ways that the students can express themselves because  the students can accessorized their uniform by wearing a bracelet, necklaces, the way they style their hair and many more. They can also stand out from the other students by the type of shoes they wear with their school uniform . Other people may also say that the parents will need to buy multiple uniforms for their children and that may be true but the parent save money by buying a couple of school uniforms for their children instead of buying more than twenty outfits for their kids costing them as estimate of about two hundred dollars.
Another reason why someone might say school uniform should not be made mandatory in public schools is because school uniforms may delay a teenager or teen transition into adulthood, because they do not make their own decisions about the type of clothing it is good for them and will not get them into trouble. As stated on " Some experts feel that self-expression and self-identification as a teenager helps prepare them to make the leap into adulthood. By forcing teenagers to wear school uniforms, it limits their ability to express in this manner, which may delay their transition into adulthood. One study done in the state of Louisiana found that the only benefits derived from school uniforms ended once the students left middle school, and that no benefits were found for high school students” (Xuan 1). They may say that school uniforms delay a teenager transition into adulthood but that statement is incorrect. They also may say that when students wear their normal school clothing it helps them to know who they are, but wearing a school uniform does not change anything and they still go through the process of transitioning into adulthood. School uniform helps them to make wiser decisions about what is appropriate clothing to wear to school, outside or even for a job interview. Because of them having to wear school uniforms for a long time they will know how to dress for success and if they have something important to go to the knowledge they have acquired from having to wear uniforms everyday in school will help them be successful.

"Does Imposing School Uniforms Prevent Students from Creatively Expressing Themselves?" N.p., n.d. Web. 15 Nov. 2016.
Wei Xuan, Sam Chang. "THBT School Uniforms Should Be Abolished." Scribd. N.p., n.d. Web. 15 Nov. 2016.                         

school uniform promotes safety


Dress for Safety in School
School uniforms should be mandatory in public schools because they are essential to keep students safe in our learning institutions.. Many schools enforce a strict uniform policy while others are lenient with their dress codes. School uniforms help to promote safety for our students.  Some students pride themselves on wearing expensive designer clothes, while others cannot afford the high priced clothes and are often picked on for wearing thrifty clothes. When students are mandated to wear uniforms, the safety of the students who were been picked on decreases. They do not need to fear of what will happen to them when they wear a certain clothes to school. According to PolitiFactA 1996 study of Long Beach, Calif, schools found a marked decrease in fights, sexual violence and weapons possession two years after adopting school uniforms”(Gilin 1). School uniforms makes it easier for any weapons brought to school be detected because without the school uniforms the student could hide the weapon underneath the baggy clothing that  no one could find. Sexual harassment decreases because girls don’t prance around in mini skirts and tight clothes anymore and the boys do not need to pull their pants so low that one could see their underwear. School uniforms provides security for the students because it makes it easier to spot any intruder that comes in the school because they immediately stands out not wearing a school uniform .
Another reason why school uniforms keep our students safe is that stealing and fighting  decreases when our students wear school uniforms.  According to About Education “ School uniforms decrease  violence and theft because of clothing and shoes”(Kelly 1). Stealing in school decreases because everyone wears the same clothing and not a name brand so no one do not need to take other people clothing, since they also wear the same thing. As stated in Legacy Educational Resources “In 1994, the Long Beach , California , school system began requiring that students wear uniforms.  The system recorded a drop in suspensions, assaults, thefts, vandalism, and weapon and drug violations and an increase in attendance” .  As evidenced in many other studies concerning this same school system, there was a dramatic drop of thirty-six percent in all violent related crimes at school”(Legacy educational resources). As we can see the number of violence in our school decreases if school uniforms are adopted in our learning institutions. So therefore school uniforms should be made mandatory, because they can solve many issues that happens in our school, including violence, theft, weapons use and teasing.

Kelly, Melissa. "School Uniforms: What Are the Pros and Cons?" Education. N.p., 08 Aug. 2016. Web. 05 Nov. 2016.

Gilin, Joshua. "School Uniforms Improve School Safety and Truancy, Rep. Janet Adkins Says." @politifact. N.p., 2 Apr. 2015. Web. 05 Nov. 2016.

Duvall, Brad, Melissa Arrowood Faklaris, Blair Fisher, Matt Moody, Patricia Njagi, and Chuck Wilson. "School Uniforms." School Uniforms. N.p., 25 Feb. 2004. Web. 08 Nov. 2016.

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

School Uniforms!! Saves Money!!

School Uniforms Are Cost Effective

private school uniform
School uniforms should be required in public schools because they save money. School uniforms are very cost effective because a parent does not need to waste money every month or so buying at least twenty outfits for their children. School uniforms economize the cost of buying many outfits and save  hundreds of dollars that can be used toward their college funds. School uniforms can consolidate parents’ financial weight when they let their children wear simple outfits everyday. According to Los Angelos times  “  For about $60, you can buy one pair of popular jeans, or a complete school uniform. And for what you would spend on a pair of trendy sneakers ($100-$120), you could buy two uniforms, enough for a school year”(Yarber 1).Parents can buy a whole entire time instead of buying multiple outfit that will cost more than 200 dollars. Parents are able to spend less because they do not need to compete with other families, wanting to dress their kids in the best designer clothes. They can wear they same clothing as everyone. Normally two or three  school uniforms can last a kid throughout the entire school year, but with these brand names once you wash them it starts to shrink and we have to buy all new ones. According to How Stuff Works MoneyA North Dakota State University study from 2010 found that the average American household spends about 3.8 percent of their income on clothing. The Census Bureau states that the average household income is about $50,000 per year, so that means roughly $2,000 per year, per household”(Sennebogen 1).If children starts to wear school uniform to school it will help decrease the cost of money that is spend on clothing every year.We can solve this issue by requiring students to wear school uniforms to school.

Another reason why school uniforms are cost effective is that parents do not need to worry about a whole new outfits every year but continue to wear the same uniforms every year if it is not totally worn out or the child has not grown too much. A parent can buy at least five school uniforms that can last a child throughout the school year and still continues to use it every school year, till the graduate.
(384 words)

YARBER, MARY. "School Uniforms Save Money--Even Lives." Los Angeles Times. Los Angeles Times, 23 May 1991. Web. 02 Nov. 2016.

SENNEBOGEN, EMILIE. "What Does the Average Family Spend on Clothing?" HowStuffWorks. N.p., 10 Oct. 2011. Web. 04 Nov. 2016.

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

School Uniforms #Saves Time

The Benefits of School Uniforms
      School uniforms are very beneficial to students in the United States and should be required in public schools because they save time and prevent bullying. Wearing school uniforms save students more time selecting a cool outfit. According to You Gov "75% of women takes thirty minutes or less to get dressed, and 21% takes more than thirty minutes or more to get dressed"(Palmer 1). With wearing school uniforms, it  will cut down dress time, saving time to do other important duties like having more time to eat breakfast and make lunches.
     School uniforms also save parents time. According to School Leader's Opinions on the Impact of School Uniforms, "92% of school leaders who said that uniforms made it easier for parents to get kids ready for school in the morning"(School Leaders' Opinions on the Impact of School Uniforms). By wearing school uniforms it helps parents save time allowing them to do other productive things like cleaning the house. As stated in Our Everyday Life, "Buying a uniforms, though is much easier. The parents and student simply have to go to one store that sells uniforms and the school provides a list of stores that sell them, so there's no guessing and buy everything that the student needs at once"(McCormick 1). School uniforms saves shopping time and the time a student will waste on worrying about the outfit of the day. 
      Another reason why school uniforms save time is that it also saves teachers' time. The teachers do not have to waste their time lecturing the students about the kind of clothing they wore if it is not appropriate and sending them to the principal's office. They can use their time studying. 
       Finally school uniforms can help prevent bullying. According to Teen Ink "Many surveys have shown that 39% of children bullied are bullied because of the clothing they wear. Thus school uniforms would promote a safer learning environment by decreasing this source of bullying"(Somika 1). When students wear school uniforms it gets rid of any competition between students that compete over name brand clothing.
       In conclusion school uniforms are a great source on how students can decrease their dress time, prevents bullying and saves both teachers and parents time on picking clothes and lecturing them on the clothes they wear. 

McCormick, Maggie. "How Do Uniforms Save Time for Kids?" Our Everyday Life. N.p., n.d. Web. 09 Nov. 2016.

MA, Meredith G. Blackstone. "School Uniforms." Teen Ink. N.p., n.d. Web. 09 Nov. 2016.

"School Leaders' Opinions on the Impact of School Uniforms." Gale Opposing Viewpoints in Context. Detroit: Gale, 2016. Opposing Viewpoints in Context. Web. 31 Oct. 2016.

Monday, October 24, 2016

About me!!

I am from Ghana, West Africa
I want to be a nurse practitioner in the future 
I love playing tennis with my friends. It is really fun
I love my family especially my sister
I listen to gospel music when am sad, angry, anytime.

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

About me

I love playing tennis with my friends. It is really fun
I am from Ghana west Africa
I love listening to gospel songs, when I am happy, sad, mad,anytime.
I want to be a nurse when I grow up
I very much like Korean drama and I love their culture.